Does anyone know what a friend is , what value he or she inherits in our life?
Infact, our friends are those persons who decide our destiny; they are the one who help us in extreme situations.
But you know, what qualities a 'Friend' should inherit?
Truly, Friends are those typical creatures who sometimes will not let you study and sometimes will not let you away from studying. They really are unexplainable. Nevertheless the School Life starts , friends are gifted to us free of cost. It depends on that friend whether he will help you or simply make fun of those who are helping each other.
I think a friend should have following qualities:–
I have written a short poem on 'Friends' ,
hope you will like it:–
I've got many friends,
with different styles and different trends.
Sometimes, we are like eraser & pencil,
we've got less plans than no. of cancels,
we fight together
we eat together
we laugh together
we live together
I think there's no gem on earth like friend
those who are of different styles & trends
–Hemant Kumar
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