What is God? (Part 1)
Hi friends,you are reading this article,but for which reason, to know God, but you might know that nobody has ever seen GOD. So, why I am here,I am here to tell you about the form of God,not like humans or any other type of creature, but a form of source where there is either nothing or everything,a form which is ZERO OR INFINITY. So, it's a place or something else, Let's check out. I will be neither supportive of any superstitious talk or anything else nor I have taken this information from any other sources,but it's related with my Life Experiences. I will also support science facts and truths. Answer me one thing, from where we originated,from where the world has started,some will answer that we originated from the Earth,but the Earth is not the origin; even the Earth's origin was from Sun and the Sun had been also origin of something else.Hence,the whole universe has started from something,which according to latest Science and Technology,we ...